Wednesday, December 22, 2010

NZ and Israel

It's interesting to read the US Govt's reaction to the 2004 incident where Israeli Mossad agents illegally used NZ identities read the story here that caused such a furore inside the NZ Govt.
The American cable states; "Its (NZ) overly strong reaction to Israel over this issue suggests the GNZ sees this flap as an opportunity to bolster its credibility with the Arab community, and by doing so, perhaps, help NZ lamb and other products gain greater access to a larger and more lucrative market".
It's oh so typical of the US to immediately become defensive about any criticism towards its surrogate, Israel. The Americans seem to have a dangerously ignorant knowledge of what makes New Zealander's tick, as opposed to the pragmatic sycophantic Australians, NZ is terribly sensitive to outside interference of its sovereignty....and who can blame them after the Rainbow Warrior incident in 85?
Good on them for being the only English speaking country to dare to slag off at Israel!


  1. To think we could once rely on Canada. Oh.... Canada!

    Savvas Tzionis

  2. Harper, the last member of the coalition of evil still in power.....and he used a smoke and mirrors trick to survive to boot!
