Friday, December 24, 2010

ACT's Human Rights Act

This is quite a ground breaking case read here as it appears that the Human Rights Act is being used in relation to a civil suit, long after the people involved were convicted in the criminal courts. While I can't say much while this case is proceeding, I do think generally that it's great to see that people are becoming aware of their rights under the various state and territory human rights act/charters.
While a number of the usual suspects of the chattering classes will no doubt come out against the Act, the mere fact that a jurisdiction has a Human Rights Act in place ensures that every civil servant in a position of power will think twice before acting on their less than benevolent instincts. In fact one of the stats you'll never read is how many citizens have NOT been victimised by the State by the mere fact that an authority figure has thought twice before taking a controversial decision?


  1. 'Chattering classes'? When I read that term, I thought you were talking about the 'usual left wing do-gooders'.

    But I then realised that the only people against these laws are Right Winger's.

    So I am glad that you were able to throw back in their face an insult the Right Winger's usually apply to the Left.

    Savvas Tzionis

  2. don't forget Bob Carr?
