Monday, January 31, 2011

the Right are terrified of Arab "democracy"

Just at the moment that Arab people power is on the brink of overthrowing a corrupt brutal regime with passionate calls for democracy to be introduced into Egypt, the usual right wing flame fanners are suddenly back tracking on this whole democracy thing see here .
But here's what's troubling the "democracy seekers"; when a western sponsored dictatorship crumbles, who is left to fill the void? The Islamists of course, who have a genuine grass roots following and can at least be counted on to act ethically in a country rife with systematic corruption. If they rise to power, then so be it! So despite the reservations of the Right, do you think that a country like Egypt which has had so much exposure to the western world (compared with Afghanistan) will fall into the trap of tolerating Taliban style fanatics in power? I can't envision tourist resorts with bikini clad women being shut down by the religious police should the Islamists take power, their economy relies way too heavily on tourism for that.
But once again, it's a case of stay tuned.......

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