I recently mentioned my favourite US Republican politician (ie, about the only one who isn't crazy?), so now I also thought I'd mention my favourite Australian conservative columnist, him being Gerard Henderson.
As you can see from this example of his work read it here , he has well thought out conservative positions. I may not agree with many of his views, but at least as opposed to the Bolts, Ackermans, and Albrechtsens of this world, his positions are at least considered, and in the original conservative style. While his credibility was badly hurt with his support of the Iraq war (almost to a man, conservatives just loath Muslims?), I usually enjoy reading his mild polemics. And while I'll never be too kind to anyone who at one time had a close association with John Howard, his writing at least is almost in the style of someone trying to hold back the walls of Jericho (ie countering the established popularly held view which I can identify with).
But unfortunately he is very much the exception on the conservative side, where we're used to hearing nothing except the usual anti Islam, Anglo centric rantings.
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