Thursday, January 27, 2011

Broadmeadows pre-selection

It now looks increasingly likely that non ALP member Frank McGuire (or as he will soon be known as, "Eddie's brother") will be parachuted into the vacant seat of Broadmeadows at the upcoming by-election (if he survives the threats of legal action?).
Despite the embarrassment of not even being a member of the party (what do political beliefs have to do with anything anyway?), lives in plush Brighton, and used to work for an ex Democrats leader, the Shorten-Conroy cabal have brushed aside the normal pre-selection procedure to install yet another celebrity candidate (anyone remember Kirsty Marshall?).
While this would normally call for cynicism, I guess it's better than having that branch stacking Turk Burhan Yigit propped into one of Labor's safest seats. And it is oh so safe, the simpletons of the Broadmeadows region are not smart enough to vote for anyone else on an issue by issue basis, they're completely rusted on (and there to be taken advantage of by the ALP).
I guess voters in safe seats get the representatives they deserve at times?

1 comment:

  1. I notice that the McGuire's were there yesterday as some sort of Turko-Australian friendship society.

    Eddie talked about 'assimilation' (well done John Howard for introducing that word into ALP lexicon) and how ONLY AFL assisted in this.

    Makes me sick all round.

    Savvas Tzionis
