Friday, January 7, 2011

Vic Transport projects put on ice

I see that the new State Govt has sensibly put the previous Govt's unfunded transport policies on ice read here , pending review. One of the things that really used to stick in my craw about the then Govt was the way they'd spend millions of taxpayer dollars to promote themselves, and of course public transport being such a disaster for them (as it always seems to be with State Labor Govts?), they NEEDED to spend big to try and pull the wool over our eyes.
The absurd (unfunded) Footsgray to Caufield metro tunnel has sensibly been put on the back burner pending "review". Maybe I'm just stupid, but I've never really understood the theory between linking these two points (at MASSIVE expense)? Surely a rail line extension to Rowville and Doncaster are of much greater immediate urgency?
While the creation of the "Victorian Public Transport Development Authority" - inspired by the Perth and Zurich models - as the central planning authority for transport in this state is undeniably a good idea, it remains to be seen how much of a genuine "planning authority" it will end up. There are already a number of permanent stakeholders (the franchisees) with long term contracts, who will be potentially fighting the govt tooth and nail to keep their control and influence over the network. I just hope (yet fear) that the authority doesn't become a marketing department like Metlink? It needs to have real teeth, and bite the operators when required. But the operators have binding contracts, so any attempts to get them to co-operate will almost certainly result in additional payments to their (foreign) bank accounts.....but money usually makes for-profit corporations co-operative.
Whether the model works or not, at least on the upside career duds like Transport Department secretary Jim Betts will probably get the sack? He's furiously opposed the concept, taking the untenable position that the current arrangements are just fine. I mean give me a break, this Department is second only to the Dept of Human Services (DHS) in its level of incompetence and disfunction. Their record of incompetence is so great, I don't even need to provide examples to prove my point, just google anything to do with trains and you'll see for yourself.
But the great shame in all of this is that the Baillieu Govt got elected on a public transport platform which very much sounded like something an incoming Labor Govt should be delivering. The previous Bracks/Brumby govts fell into the trap (not unlike their Labor predecessors) of paying too much attention to the rationalist bean counters in Treasury and Transport, and paid the price accordingly.


  1. Paul Mees should be the Chief executive of the new Public Transport Planning Authority. After all it was his baby

  2. No chance in hell the Libs will give him that job, they'll appoint a Ron Walker type character.
