While sitting around and thinking about the plight of the Australian Labor Party, I got diverted by the thought of who was the worst ever Member of the (Victorian) Parliament? And immediately two names came to mind; the branching stacking (alleged) wife beating Turk, Tayfun Eren, and the ex winter Olympian Kirstie (I don't know nothing about nothing) Marshall.
(Allegedly) beating his wife was actually the least of Eren's faults, he spent almost his entire Parliamentary career on "sick leave". I mean if sitting on the cushy red velvet Opposition benches of the Legislative Council wasn't an easy enough gig, he actually lost his pre-selection for the unforgivable sin of not showing up to "enough party functions".
And Kirstie Marshall's credentials for a Parliamentary career revolved around her skiing at the Winter Olympics or something?.....I mean who the hell cares about the "winter" Olympics?......and I don't care about the summer ones either admittedly.
If I remember correctly, at her first press conference alongside Steve Bracks, she made some embarrassing comment along the lines of "I don't know nothing about nothing", but of course in Australian politics that's no barrier to success. But if only it stopped there, this dimwit decided in this new age of equality and PC politics, she'd take her newborn into the Parliamentary chamber and breast feed the child there and then! The act of breast feeding in such a public place didn't offend me so much as the fact that there was another person in the Parliamentary chamber (where votes are cast). It's an appalling oversight that this idiot would commit the cardinal sin of (theoretically) increasing the Government's numbers, and then be so blase about it.
So there you have it, my top two contenders for the worst MP ever award.
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