Sunday, May 15, 2011

"planking" death the media's fault?

A week or so ago I had no idea what "planking" was, but thanks to the mainstream media I've since discovered that it's an internet fad involving photographing a person lying still in an awkward position....apparently this is amusing in some way? And now of course we read that a young person has accidentally died from this silly prank read it here . The police spokesman stated that "it is what we've been fearing". However my guess is that the victim (much like myself) had never heard of "planking", and only decided to do it because he read about it in the tabloids? For everyone knows, if you want youths to do something, tell them NOT to!
But as usual the media is never wrong (or responsible for anything), so now they can play up the "outraged" card.....and sell a few more newspapers!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like I'm ahead of the curve again? Have a look at this criticism of the media over the planking death;
