Saturday, June 25, 2011

a new "wave" of Greek migration to Australia?

I notice from this article today in The Age read it here that from third hand evidence that I've been hearing about huge Visa enquiries about migration from Greece is finally making it into the mainstream press.
While migration is always a hot button issue to joe public, this push for streamlining of the migration process by the Greek-Australian community is a potential win-win for anglo Australia.
I mean think about it, the average Australian can usually be seen complaining about there being too many Asians or Indians etc in the country, so what better way to appease the racist beast than to accept more young white Christian educated Greeks who are almost always fluent in English?
While Australia's immigration policy is (theoretically) non discriminatory, I can see a great opportunity here for the Greek community to be able to sell this notion to the Government. If worded correctly, the message will get through to the Government that you've got a potential migrant pool at your disposal which already has close cultural ties to Australia, and would seamlessly integrate very quickly into Australian society.


  1. The worth of a blog post is only evident in hindsight. And in light of the (supposedly) 1000 Taxi Drivers on their way here, you get a gong from me. :)

    Savvas Tzionis

  2. But where are the women?!! LOL

    Savvas Tzionis
