Thursday, December 23, 2010

"new age" silliness and simpleton celebrities

I read today that the consumer watchdog the ACCC has come out against those ridiculous "power balance bracelets" see here by stating that "there is no credible scientific basis for the claims". But what's disturbing about the whole fiasco is that we as a society are so stupid that we need to be told by the authorities before we accept the blindingly obvious.
How sad it is that a piece of plastic junk that's probably made in China can be marketed as something that provides better "balance" by working with the wearer's "natural energy field", and we just gobble it all up because we see some $3 celebrity wearing it, so we need to have one too!
But I guess this leads me to ask the question, are the celebrities involved paid to market a scam by the company, or are they just victims who've jumped on the "new age" bandwagon? Because remember, in this shallow empty decadent secular world that your average celebrity lives in, they're easily sucked into the latest fad or new age malakia (sorry, but some words need to be emphasised in Greek!)....or worse.....Scientology or heretical pentecostal Christianity!


  1. Grameme Samuel at the ACCC reminds me a little of Joseph P Kennedy, both came to their respective jobs at ACCC/SEC with a barrage of criticism that their appointments were "unsuitable", and it would be a little like the fox watching the henhouse etc, but both did/are doing an excellent job.

  2. JFK's father? Didn't he think the Nazi's were wotrh supporting?

    Savvas Tzionis

  3. having a "world war" didn't suit his political ambitions at the time, so as Ambassador to the UK he was humiliated when his appeasing was leaked. He had a famous line about "democracy is over for the UK" or something?
