Monday, April 25, 2011

Lest we forget......the war mongers

While on this sombre day where we remember the Anzacs (and alternate views are not welcome), I personally prefer to remember the war mongers and policy makers who place the selfish geopolitical interests of themselves ahead of the greater human good, and send young men off to their likely deaths. For in fact if we care to at all briefly analyse Australia's past military engagements, we find that (in my view) about the only honourable campaign they have been involved in is WWII, a war where Australia's sovereignty was directly attacked.
In the Boer War Australians helped prop up British colonial might in South Africa, while WWI was a European power play whose result was unlikely to affect Australian sovereignty, but we were obligated to participate for the good of God and Empire.
Probably not much needs to be said about the motivations of America's self interested entry into the Korean, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts, the script pretty much writes itself.
So while the beer swilling yahoos in footy jumpers stagger drunkenly towards the dawn service at Gallipoli in remembrance of the fallen, I'll continue to look at matters of war and peace from a completely different perspective. For I believe we can only truly do justice to the fallen by understanding why they died, and whose interest that served?

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